
Pigment Red 177,A3B,PR177
  • Pigment Red 177,A3B,PR177

Pigment Red 177

Product name : pigment red 177Item : A3BDetails :Name: pigment red 177Name: brilliant bright red A3BCable quotes: P.R.177CAS:4051-63-2EC registration number: 223-754-4C.I. Structure Number: 65300Chemical category: the type of the chemicalMolecular formula: C28H16N2O4Relative molecular weight: 444Color: RedRelative density: 1.45~1.53The specific surface area of 65~106 square meters: /gOil absorption: 55~62/100gHeat resistance: 300 CHiding power: transparent typeLightfastness: 6-7Weather resistanc

Product name : pigment red 177
Item : A3B
Details :
Name: pigment red 177
Name: brilliant bright red A3B
Cable quotes: P.R.177
EC registration number: 223-754-4
C.I. Structure Number: 65300
Chemical category: the type of the chemical
Molecular formula: C28H16N2O4
Relative molecular weight: 444
Color: Red
Relative density: 1.45~1.53
The specific surface area of 65~106 square meters: /g
Oil absorption: 55~62/100g
Heat resistance: 300 C
Hiding power: transparent type
Lightfastness: 6-7
Weather resistance: Grade 5

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