
Pigment Orange 64
  • Pigment Orange 64

Pigment Orange 64

Supply Pigment Orange 64 (toner, toner high temperature, high performance pigments)Pigment Yellow GPIndex number; C.I.P.O64CAS No.: 72102-84-2Corresponding foreign brands: GP CibaShade: Bright red orangeTemperature 290-300 degreesFast :7 to 8Features: has excellent light fastness, heat resistance, solvent resistance, acid resistance and alkali resistance and processing application performance.Packaging: 25 kg / bagUses: mainly used for high-grade paint, ink, plastic (PS PO ABS PVC PC PBT), rubbe

Supply Pigment Orange 64 (toner, toner high temperature, high performance pigments)
Pigment Yellow GP
Index number; C.I.P.O64
CAS No.: 72102-84-2
Corresponding foreign brands: GP Ciba
Shade: Bright red orange
Temperature 290-300 degrees
Fast :7 to 8
Features: has excellent light fastness, heat resistance, solvent resistance, acid resistance and alkali resistance and processing application performance.
Packaging: 25 kg / bag
Uses: mainly used for high-grade paint, ink, plastic (PS PO ABS PVC PC PBT), rubber and synthetic coloring coloring puree

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