
Pigment Violet 19
  • Pigment Violet 19

Pigment Violet 19

Supply Pigment Violet 19 (toner, toner high temperature, high performance pigments)Purple No. Pigment Violet 19, 19, quinacridone violetCAS :1047-16-1Index number; C.I.P.V19Shade: yellow with purpleTemperature: 300 degreesFast :7-8Performance: bright color, strong coloringFeatures: has excellent light fastness, heat resistance, solvent resistance, acid resistance and alkali resistance, and process application performancePackaging: 25 kg / bagUses: bright color, good color strength, suitable for

Supply Pigment Violet 19 (toner, toner high temperature, high performance pigments)
Purple No. Pigment Violet 19, 19, quinacridone violet
CAS :1047-16-1
Index number; C.I.P.V19
Shade: yellow with purple
Temperature: 300 degrees
Fast :7-8
Performance: bright color, strong coloring
Features: has excellent light fastness, heat resistance, solvent resistance, acid resistance and alkali resistance, and process application performance
Packaging: 25 kg / bag
Uses: bright color, good color strength, suitable for high-grade plastic ink, solvent ink, paint, plastics, EVA foam rubber, powder coating, concentrated masterbatch, soft plastic coloring

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