

We say no to lead-containing pigments

作者:www.o0iu0g.cn 日期:2024-05-14 人氣:211

Today, we are introducing a range of brand-new lead-free alternative pigments. These pigments can be widely used in industrial production and everyday life, replacing the once widely used lead-containing pigments such as chrome yellow and molybdenum chrome orange. Lead-containing pigments were once the main culprits behind many "toxic paints," but as countries and industries have gradually paid more attention to this issue, an increasing number of them have implemented lead-free requirements, which will undoubtedly become a trend for more industries.

Replacing heavy metal-containing products like medium chrome yellow and molybdenum chrome red with high-performance organic pigments has become possible both in terms of performance and cost. Our "golden partners" PY151, PY139, PO36, and Pigment Red 254 stand out in this golden combination. They not only cover over 80% of the color areas previously covered by lead-containing pigments but also offer the best balance of hiding power, weather resistance, and cost. In addition, we offer the following powerful supplementary products:

For a greener yellow shade, consider PY128.

For top-notch weather resistance, look to PY154.

For a highly saturated yellow-phase orange, choose PO67.

For a highly saturated red-phase orange, opt for PO62.

For a highly saturated yellow-phase red, go for PR242.

These lead-free alternative pigments not only meet environmental standards but also provide the same excellent color and performance as lead-containing pigments. If you are looking for a high-quality, environmentally friendly, lead-free pigment product, then our products are undoubtedly your best choice. Take action now, and let's work together to promote the development of environmental protection!

標(biāo)簽: pigment
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